Petrol stations in Turkey

When travelling in Turkey, you will have no problems with refuelling. There are many petrol stations here, the attendants are polite and attentive, and the fuel is of high quality.

The only downside is the fuel prices. But it’s not actually that bad. Yes, fuel is expensive, but the quality is excellent. The high prices are therefore slightly offset by the higher fuel efficiency.

Petrol and fuel prices in Turkey

Average fuel prices in August, 2023: 

  • Petrol 95 – 36.86 Turkish Liras (~€1.25)
  • Petrol 98 – 37.52 Turkish Liras (~€1.27)
  • Diesel – 39.06 Turkish Liras (~€1.32)
  • Liquefied petrol gas (LPG) – 16.11 Turkish Liras (~€0.55)

Prices vary at different petrol stations, sometimes by as much as 10%. And sometimes companies also offer discounts for one day. So, if you mark a petrol station as “cheap” in your navigation system, you may be unpleasantly surprised a few days later. Or vice versa. That works both ways.

A good practice is to compare prices directly on the day of refuelling. The fuel prices at a particular petrol station are visible right from the road.

Traditionally, the “expensive” petrol stations are located along highways, while the cheapest ones are in towns and on secondary roads.

How to refuel

Most petrol stations have attendants who will fill your rental car with the correct amount of fuel. 

You can try to talk to them in English, point to the necessary petrol pump or say the fuel type in Turkish:

  • Petrol 95 – Kurşunsuz benzin 95 oktan (pronounced “kurshunsuz benzin doksan vesh oktan”);
  • Petrol 98 – Kurşunsuz benzin 98 oktan (pronounced “kurshunsuz benzin doksan sikkes oktan”);
  • Diesel – Motorin (pronounced “motorin”);
  • Gas – Otogaz (pronounced “otogaz”).

You can write down the necessary amount of fuel on a piece of paper or type it into your phone and show it to the petrol station attendant. In Turkish:

  • Full tank – Dolu depo (pronounced “dolu depo”);
  • 10 litres – 10 litre (pronounced “on litre”);
  • 15 litres – 15 litre (pronounced “onvesh litre”);
  • 20 litres – 20 litre (pronounced “yirmi litre”);
  • 30 litres – 30 litre (pronounced “otuz litre”);

After refuelling, you either pay to the petrol station attendant or at the cashier’s desk. When you pay at the cashier's desk, you will be given two receipts: one for you and one for the petrol station attendant.

You can tip the attendant if you like, usually a couple of liras. It is considered good form.

Not all petrol stations exchange currency for local money. If you want to pay in cash, be sure to have liras with you.

If there is no attendant, you have arrived at a self-service petrol station.

Proceed as follows: 

  1. Insert the nozzle into the tank and lock the trigger in place.
  2. Go to the cashier’s desk and say what you need, just as you did with the attendants. Or write down on a piece of paper/type on your phone which fuel and how much you need. This way, the chance of error is even less. 
  3. Pay and go back to your car.
  4. Fill up with fuel.
  5. Return the nozzle to its place.

Fill up with plenty of fuel before travelling to the mountains. Fuel consumption is higher when driving uphill, and there are fewer petrol stations in mountainous areas.

There are also automated petrol stations in Turkey but you can confuse things in their menus and lose your money. In such cases, either ask locals for help or drive to the next petrol station.

What else is available at petrol stations

There’s a lot on offer! You can have your car washed and the wheels inflated. They sell local SIM cards. There are very pretty shops with a wide choice of delicacies. Comfortable and fully automated toilets where you don’t need to touch anything by hand. And there are often free playgrounds where kids can move a bit after hours of riding. Just what they need!

Rent a car in Turkey

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